Good evening friends. I know it has been such a long time since I have visited with you through my blog, but I have tried to keep up with you as you have posted on yours. Hope all is well with all of you.
For those of you who do not follow me on face book, let me give you a quick update on my health issues. Saturday a week ago I was admitted to the hospital with yet another health problem. Thank God they were able to find the problem quickly and after several days in the critical care unit, I began to improve. During those days, the kidney procedure that was scheduled was done in the hospital and I am so glad to report it was a success. Praise the Lord. I want to thank all of you who have sent up prayers for me during this time. There was an abscess pressing on my kidney as big as a grapefruit. The doctors and nurses said it was a miracle that I was alive. Had it busted, well,,,, the results would not have been good. I am so thankful God took care of me. I am home with a drainage bag, but able to get out and about. All the back, hip, an kidney pain is gone. Again I am so blessed and am on the road to recovery. Prayer changes things and I can't say enough how much I appreciate all your prayers and concerns.
Okay on to some fun stuff. On Thanksgiving evening Mr. P . decided he was going shopping. Now, you would have to know the Mister. He is one who goes into a store, gets what he wants and out he goes. Definitely not a shopper. I was still sick, so I tried to tell him he was going to have to be patient, careful, and have a good attitude as he did not know what he was getting into. Well, off he went. He was gone maybe 45 minutes, when I heard him return.
Well he was smiling so he kept his good attitude, however he came in empty handed. He said he would pay whatever price rather than fight the mobs. Didn't take him long to learn a lesson.
Mr. P. lives by the rule if it works leave it alone, That goes for everything. So needless to say we were still watching this.
I know, hard to believe huh? Yep a little 19 inch. heavy t.v. But it worked, had a good picture and yes it was a color t.v. I guess since I had been home bound and sick, he felt sorry for me watching this thing all the time so he went and bought this. The t.v. was what he was going to get on Thanksgiving evening.
Wow,,, what a difference. I am in love with this one. Yep, we have moved up a notch. And I really think it is time. Sorry about the dried up magnolia leaves. I haven't gotten around to decorating the mantle, since I have been sick. Another picture soon, I promise.
While he was updating things around the house, he decided we needed new phones also. What has gotten into this man?? And he also bought them while I was sick. Think he does some good shopping on his own, right? We now have smart phones and can't get use to them. Yes, we are from the old school. Change don't come easy for us. Darbee Rae is trying to help Papa learn all about his. And she knows what she is doing, too.
I have not had too much Christmas spirit up until now. Feeling better, my mind has turned to all the things I have not been able to do before. Today I started my candy making. I can remember as a little girl, my mother and grandmother would make divinity together as it will harden so quickly once set. They would dip it out onto wax paper together and I would patiently wait to lick the spoons they used. Well today Holly and I made the first batch of candy and she and I and of course Darbee Rae dipped it out.. Was a perfect dry and sunny day for candy making.
Why don't you come on over and I will share some with you. Have you started your baking and candy making for the holidays yet?
I will be around more often now as I am feeling better. Hoping you are all enjoying the season and lets not forget the real reason we have to celebrate. The birth of Jesus . Wishing you all a blessed evening
Until next time..