I managed to stay home all last week. There was no road trips , just time spent with Mr.. P and doing lots of catching up on household chores. (ugh) As with so many of you, we have had some wonderful Spring like days and many of those with the threat of tornados and storms. We have been blessed thus far. Daffidols are blooming, yellow belle bushes are blooming, and on a ride this weekend we saw wild plum trees in full bloom. Yes, Spring is almost here.
I just love old homeplaces. Wandering around the grounds where an old home stands or where there are remains of an old homeplace sends my mind in a never ending spin of questions. A while back on one of our road trips we happened to see just that. Several old homeplaces. Couldn't contain myself , so out came the camera.
This homeplace was barely visible. How could any family let a home go to ruins like this? Oh, my heart goes out to the old home. It stands so tired now as the years have taken a toll on its outward apperance. Don't you wonder who has lived there and the stories these old tired walls could tell? Imagine all the cold winters, heavy rains and summer storms that poor roof has felt. Yet it held proudly and did its job of sheltering and protecting the family inside.
Was there a veggie garden out back and did the lady of the house have a herb garden by the back door. Maybe there was a colorful flower garden over in the side yard and in the early morning with the dew still shimmering on the grass ,she would slip out and gather a fresh bouquet of flowers in her apron to adorn the farm table.
And was there the laughter of little ones as they swung on an old handmade swing from a tree branch in the front yard? Where are the grandchildren, great grandchildren or other descents of the family who so lovingly built this home ?
This one was my favorite. The area around this old home had been cleared somewhat. I so hope someone has plans on saving this place and preserving it . If at some time in my future ,, I became wealthy , it would be a dream come true for me and Mr. P to buy land with an old homeplace on it and play till out heart was content. Dreams are free, huh?
Well if you have been visiting with me for awhile, you know just how much I love going and I have been on so many road trips lately. This weekend while you were out shopping for that perfect antique piece or for something prim perfect , was I doing the same thing here at home? No way, this Saturday the Mister did some shopping himself. Did he bring me home a gift? You bet he did. These
Guess with all the traveling I should expect the poor tires to eventully wear out. So now I am good to go again, and travel will be safe.
So can you guess my plans for tomorrow? Yes, four more girlfriends and myself are heading out bright and early in the morning on a road trip. It will be just for the day, but don't you just love spending times with friends?..
Hoping all of you have fun plans for tomorrow as well. Welcome to my new followers. I just love meeting new folks . Don't forget to comment or I will never know you have visited. Until next time.