Okay on to the topic of this post. I will share something with you that you might not know about me. I have always as long as I can remember loved to write. When I was in grade school, my mother bought me a five year diary. Remember those that had a little lock and key? Guess that was the beginning of my obsession. I have kept many five year diaries. In fact I still have most of them stored safely in the attic. The very last one was the one I kept while Mr. P. and I were dating. Written in it was every date we had, where we went, and if that wasn't enough, the outfit I wore on the outing. Yes, and I still have it!! Darbee Rae will enjoy laughing at that one when she is a little older. {smile}
After marriage, I started keeping a journal. Guess I had grown up enough to no longer keep a diary. Every evening before bed, I would write about my day. Good, bad and ugly, it was all written down.
Happy times, sad times, fun times and times when I was learning some of life's hardest lessons were all documented in these books. Needless to say, I have quite a few.
Holly is a chip off the old block. She does not keep a journal, but a planner. {hehe,,,, I kept a planner along with my journal} But recently I have tried to condense my writings. With all the rage of journaling, and all the neat ideas on Pinterest I too have become obsessed with my planner. Do you think Holly had anything to do with it?? Of course she did!!!
So for the first time since I was in grade school, I am no longer keeping a diary, or journal. Instead it is all combined into my planner. Not a special planner, just one bought at Target, however I am trying to make each month's calendar and week pages special for me. Thought you might want to take a peek before I start messing up October's pages by writing on them.
We have many birthdays in October. The first week we will be celebrating my birthday. Guess I deserve a few balloons don't you?
The second week in October we are having company from out of town. My friend Dimple and her husband will be visiting from TN. Can you tell I am soooo excited?
On October 18, We will all be celebrating with a big party for Darbee Rae's birthday. She has the week decorated in her honor.
The next week Mr. P and Holly will be celebrating their big day. But can't show you that week as I have run out of birthday stickers and embellishments. Hobby Lobby here I come!! And of course there is Oct. 31 and I will definitely have to do something cute for that day.!!!
It looks quite simple, but it takes me hours to decorate the pages. I have to agree with Mr. P. when he ask WHY??? Who will see it but ME? Oh, this is so true. Do I enjoy doing it,,,, well yes I guess I do or I wouldn't do this, but why make something so simple, so hard? The story of my life.
One day someone will open this plain looking planner and be blown away at all the information that is stored inside. A small part of my daily life will be written on the simple pages.
Do you keep a journal or planner? If so would love to hear from you. Hope you all have had a
Marvelous Monday and are looking forward to the first week of fall.
Until next time....